Ọnụ ahịa kacha ala China 2.4mm Mkpọchi Efere Maxillofacial Mmegharị Plate Medical Trauma Plate

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Ngwaahịa Mba. Nkọwapụta Ogologo* Obosara* Ọkpụrụkpụ (mm)
1202-A1003 3 oghere 50.2*9.1*2.5
1202-A1004 4 oghere 58.6*9.1*2.5
1202-A1005 5 oghere 67*9.1*2.5
1202-A1007 7 oghere 83.6*9.1*2.5
1202-A1009 9 oghere 100.6*9.1*2.5

Nnabata: OEM/ODM, Trade, N'ogbe, Regional Agency,

Ịkwụ ụgwọ: T/T, PayPal

Sichuan Chenanhui Tehnology Co., Ltd. bụ onye na-ebubata ọkpụkpụ ọkpụkpụ na ngwá ọrụ ọkpụkpụ ma na-erekwa ha, nwee ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe na China, nke na-ere ma na-emepụta ihe ntinye n'ime ime ihe ọ bụla ajụjụ ọ bụla anyị nwere obi ụtọ ịza. Biko họrọ Sichuan Chenanhui, na ọrụ anyị ga-enye gị afọ ojuju.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Nkọwa ngwa ngwa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Anyị nwere otu ndị tozuru etozu, na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma iji nye ezigbo nkwado maka onye ahịa anyị. We normally follow the tenet of customer-oriented, details-focused for Super Lowest Price China 2.4mm Mkpọchi efere Maxillofacial Recontruction Efere Medical Trauma Efere , Our customers mainly distributed in the North America, Africa and Eastern Europe. anyị ga-ebupụta ngwaahịa dị mma site na iji ọnụ ahịa ire ere dị egwu.
Anyị nwere otu ndị tozuru etozu, na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma iji nye ezigbo nkwado maka onye ahịa anyị. Anyị na-agbasokarị ụkpụrụ nke ndị ahịa dabere, nkọwa lekwasịrị anya makaEfere ọkpụkpụ, China ọkpụkpụ ịghasa, Anyị na-eche banyere usoro ọ bụla nke ọrụ anyị, site na nhọrọ ụlọ ọrụ, mmepụta ngwaahịa & imewe, mkparịta ụka ọnụahịa, nyocha, mbupu na-azụ ahịa. Anyị emejuputala usoro njikwa njikwa siri ike na zuru oke, nke na-eme ka ngwaahịa ọ bụla nwee ike izute ihe ndị ahịa chọrọ. E wezụga nke ahụ, a na-enyocha ngwaahịa anyị niile tupu ebupu ya. Ịga nke Ọma Gị, Otuto Anyị: Ebumnuche anyị bụ inyere ndị ahịa aka ịghọta ihe mgbaru ọsọ ha. Anyị na-agbasi mbọ ike iji nweta ọnọdụ mmeri a ma jiri ezi obi nabata gị isonyere anyị.

Nleba anya ngwaahịa

A na-eji titanium dị ọcha mee ihe dịpụrụ adịpụ radius medial, yana nkọwa ya gụnyere oghere 3, oghere 4, oghere 5 na ihe ndị ọzọ. Maka mgbaji radius dị anya, kposara ahọpụtara bụ HC2.7 na HA2.7 (obere okpu). A na-eji ihe eji eme ihe na-emepụta ihe: efere efere na-adabere na ọdịdị ọdịdị nke radius distal, nke dị mma ma belata mmebi nke anụ ahụ dị nro; nhazi nke porous nke nkwonkwo ụkwụ: dị mfe idozi na ịhọrọ, na nkwụsi ike dị mma; ihe ejikọtara ọnụ nke oghere mkpọchi na oghere nrụgide: dị ka Angular stabilization ma ọ bụ pressurization chọrọ.

Njirimara ngwaahịa

Gịnị mere Họrọ Anyị


Anyị nwere otu ndị tozuru etozu, na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma iji nye ezigbo nkwado maka onye ahịa anyị. We normally follow the tenet of customer-oriented, details-focused for Super Lowest Price China 2.4mm Mkpọchi efere Maxillofacial Recontruction Efere Medical Trauma Efere , Our customers mainly distributed in the North America, Africa and Eastern Europe. anyị ga-ebupụta ngwaahịa dị mma site na iji ọnụ ahịa ire ere dị egwu.
Ọnụ ahịa kacha alaChina ọkpụkpụ ịghasa, Efere ọkpụkpụ, Anyị na-eche banyere usoro ọ bụla nke ọrụ anyị, site na nhọrọ ụlọ ọrụ, mmepụta ngwaahịa & imewe, mkparịta ụka ọnụahịa, nyocha, mbupu na-azụ ahịa. Anyị emejuputala usoro njikwa njikwa siri ike na zuru oke, nke na-eme ka ngwaahịa ọ bụla nwee ike izute ihe ndị ahịa chọrọ. E wezụga nke ahụ, a na-enyocha ngwaahịa anyị niile tupu ebupu ya. Ịga nke Ọma Gị, Otuto Anyị: Ebumnuche anyị bụ inyere ndị ahịa aka ịghọta ihe mgbaru ọsọ ha. Anyị na-agbasi mbọ ike iji nweta ọnọdụ mmeri a ma jiri ezi obi nabata gị isonyere anyị.

  • Efere mkpọchi radius dị anya (2)
  • Efere mkpọchi radius dị anya (2)
  • Efere mkpọchi radius dị anya (3)
  • Efere mkpọchi radius dị anya (4)
  • Efere mkpọchi radius dị anya (5)
  • Ebe dị anya Radius M edial Mkpọchi PlatesI (2)
  • Distal Radius M edial Mkpọchi PlatesI
  • Distal Radius M edial Mkpọchi PlatesI
  • Ụdị Mkpọchi radius dị anya

  • Nke gara aga:
  • Osote:

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